
There’s a significant amount of misleading information around about all the elements of what is called Web.3. Opinions abound about the blockchain, crypto, the metaverse, smart contracts, NFTs and different flavours of ‘virtual reality’ as well as the related topic of so called ‘artificial intelligence’ which is neither artificial or intelligent! We provide comprehensive education on all these: what they really are, how they can be used, and what they are capable of (and not capable of).

With these programmes you and the people you work with can learn and understand how to use these various Web.3 elements and how they can benefit your business operations. We leave the technical training to others so we won’t teach you how to ‘build a metaverse’, how to program an avatar or how to build and manage a blockchain. Instead we have providers who can implement what you want or as close as is actually possible at this stage of Web.3 development or transformation.

We are developing a flexible programme set which will be suitable for every level from ‘dummies’ to (non-technical) ‘practitioner’. It will cover four main areas (although others can be added) – Blockchain (which is a ‘mandatory’ module), Crypto, Smart Contracts and NFTs and the Metaverse. These programmes are designed for people who know nothing of these things, people who knew a little, and those who wish to expand their knowledge. We also provide bespoke education for specific projects

The blockchain is fundamental to the elements of Web.3 as well as to many other applications in business and personal affairs. An understanding of blockchain is essential to understanding everything else.

‘Crypto’ or encrypted digital currency is still very much misunderstood. Mainly considered as some sort of trading game it has, in association with blockchains a myriad of other applications and functions. The question is, for any specific business, when, where and how should it be deployed – or not? This module will also cover decentralised finance (DeFi), the tokenisation of assets, the different types of ‘token’ and the potential of this for crowdfunding

NFTs – ‘non fungible tokens’ – are not the same as ‘crypto coins’. They are often used to ‘certify’ or consolidate contracts which are recorded on a blockchain – ‘smart contracts’. This process significantly simplifies many legal transactions and contracts which currently require the involvement of lawyers and other highly paid professionals. Recent use cases for NFTs include their application in Access, Authentication, Licensing and Security. NFT’s are significantly a ‘new way’ to do business or assist in its facilitation.

The metaverse has been around for a while, mostly as a simulated three dimensional interface in the games industry. It is in fact much more than just a ‘games platform. It is broadly equivalent to the internet where ‘websites’ or web spaces are created as a two dimensional on screen interface replacing physical print on paper. The concept of a ‘metaspace’ performing similar functions but in an interactive ‘three dimensional’ environment will present many new opportunities for business. This is already happening in some sectors.

We will also be providing modules on virtual reality (including augmented and extended reality) and artificial intelligence (AI) which are deeply misunderstood by most people who take the names they have been given at ‘face value’